- By Tayo Faloye, 06-07-22
Woke up to some cracklings and discomforting frictions in my hips and thighs. I could feel a crisis trying to rear its ugly head. The experience isn't new. It's been raining for days. Today's is a bit intensified. Change in weather is one of the triggers for Sickle Cell Crisis.
I decided to stay back at home as a preventive measure without informing the family before they'd all gone out for the day. Contacted my staff not to expect me at the office. Prepared my dogs food, set her loose to go poo, and stayed back for awhile to watch her run around under the rain playing with relish before ordering her back into her crate to eat.
Had breakfast then my drugs, took a hot bath afterwards and laid down stretched out on my back with no pillow for prop up so as not to allow the now slightly throbbing aches that was building up spread to other parts of my body. After a motionless forced sleep of about 45mins, it subsided and I felt much better. I do not know if this works with all SCD sufferers but it isn't out of order to share. What works for individuals differ. Recognize yours.
This is one coping strategy i have employed over the years in tackling vaso-occlusive crisis when it's at the onset and can still be managed before it degenerates into a chronic pain episode and eventual hospitalization, without raising an alarm about the impending signs to anyone. How many concerns will one raise as a SCD warrior without being deemed a fear monger or crier of wolf where none exist? Only us know what we pass through as these challenging issues appear out of the blues most times without any forewarning.
Well, it's one of the lessons my mother taught me in my teen years. May she continue to RIP. Whenever the aches start gradually especially from my back region, she would either give a mild analgesic or instruct I drink plenty of water at that point in time, then ask me to lay flat on the rug on my back and avoid movements as much as i could or possibly try to sleep. It worked like magic most times.
When i became more observant with age about things that triggered my crisis, i realised Acidosis was another major issue. It's why i avoid acidic foods like a plague and it's has really helped reduce my sickling rate. Oranges almost sent me to the great beyond on two occasions. Sharwarma and cow pepper soup consumption had induced crisis respectively too. Hence, I struck out beef from my diet and stayed on fish, which like goat meat is lean; an essential any time I eat out at an Amala joint. I ingest minimal tomatoes and Agbalumo (Star Apple) as much as I love it. Apples, grapes, etc are no go areas. I have written on this Acidosis topic in the past. Read link below...
So, it is important for Warriors to recognize a pain crisis early, suppress the build up, administer adequate medication before it escalates and correct the inciting causes to avoid recurrences. Family members must be hands-on together with a Doctor to promptly and effectively manage pain when it becomes acute and prevent future vaso-occlusive crises.
- Tayo Faloye
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