Disability and Sickle Cell Organization of Nigeria {DISCON) is established to ensure that persons with Sickle Cell Disorder have the right to quality life, access to good healthcare service and equal opportunities in society. 

Also, DISCON emphasizes the need for SCD victims to love and be loved, get compassion for their health challenges while making sure these rights are achieved devoid of any form of stigmatization and discrimination against them in community living. 

 Furthermore, as the word Disability implies in the name of this organization, DISCON is poised to extend a helping hand to PLWD (People Living With Disability) in relation to SCD and beyond, and by extension the society as a whole, in areas that are determined by the Board of Trustees from time to time. This is done with the common knowledge backed by facts that SCD causes disabilities in some of its victims such as Avascular necrosis (AVN), Hearing Loss/ Deafness, Vision/ Eye Problems, etc. 

 In pursuance of the above stated, DISCON will continue to promote widespread awareness to the scourge, work to curb the breeding cycle of Sickle Cell babies, reduce the mortality rate of the disorder and provide succor to victims. 

To Project Sickle Cell Disorder and Disabilities arising from it and beyond, with a view to providing succor to affected persons in both categories. 

 Advocacy. Awareness. Alleviation. (Mission A. A. A.)

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